Monday, December 27, 2010

So get a temporary driving licence in the United States travel

Permissible conduct of international (PCI) is used by the Americans to hold a valid driver's license if you want to drive a car for your visit in a foreign country and travel abroad. PCI is valid in more than150 country and can by the American Automobile Association, commonly issued AAA. The license is valid for one year from the date of issue for the implementation of foreigners but it can be used as a driver's license in the United States. The license includes your name, photo and relevant pilot information.Difficulty: EasyInstructionsThings, need: mean Application2 passport photos FeePhotocopy 15 $ license1Complete allows your valid U.S. driver an international driving permit application. The application is available from your local AAA Office below for resources and the AAA website. You must be 18 years or more to an international drive on the back of your photos. 3Make two passport size copy of the front and rear license. 4Bring your valid U.S. pilot of completed application, photos, copy of driver's license and $15 at your local AAA for immediate processing permit. 2Sign can request. If you prefer, you can your documents to your local AAA office mail. If the shipping fee is $20 and you return three to five days can expect your license by mail. Send money if mailing, but add a check to "AAA" none of the order of $20. Your IDP is valid for one year from the date of issue, as long as the license of your current US during this period is valid.

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